CNN: Independent Voter Discusses His Doubts About Hillary's 'Integrity'

June 17, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s many scandals are hurting her with independent voters, as polls show 61 percent of independents say the Democrat is not "honest and trustworthy."

This weakness was hammered home Wednesday when CNN interviewed New Hampshire independent Ted Gorski on a panel of voters.

Gorski said Clinton's scandals are a sign of her "integrity."

"The emails are just one thing," Gorski said, referring to Clinton’s deletion of emails from an undisclosed email server while working as secretary of state. "When you say you stand for women’s issues, but your foundation takes money from governments that have demonstrated anti-woman behavior, that’s another integrity issue."

Hillary Clinton has seized on her sex as a possible way to inspire young people to vote for her in the same numbers they did for the first black president in 2008.

"I may not be the youngest person in this race," Clinton, who is a senior citizen, said during her attempted relaunch in New York City on Saturday, "But I will be the youngest woman president."

Gorski’s comments indicate that Hillary Clinton has many questions to answer before Americans will accept her as a champion for women.

The Clinton Foundation, a controversial political charity founded by Hillary and her husband Bill Clinton in the early 2000s, has accepted massive donations from governments that commit human rights abuses against women.

To cite one example, the Clinton Foundation accepted $500,000 from the Algerian government in 2010, while Hillary served as secretary of state and the Algerian government was actively lobbying the U.S. government to promote its interests. This donation was not disclosed, violating an ethics agreement Clinton made with the Obama administration.

Amnesty International reports that women in Algeria are "subjected to considerable discrimination in law and practice," and are not afforded equality before the law.

In her 2014 book Hard Choices, Clinton wrote that "Algeria is one of those complicated countries that forces the United States to balance our interests and values."

Independents like Gorski seem to be concerned precisely by such balancing acts, which often result in lucrative payoffs for the Clintons.

Gorski said that the scandals could be a sign of things to come if Clinton is elected president.

"What troubles me now is she doesn’t want to answer any questions on this," Gorski said. "For people like me who are looking at this, when you are delaying the response, it concerns me: Is this what I’m going to see if she’s president?"