Five Ways Hillary Clinton Is 'Obama Plus'

July 15, 2015

THE POLITICO reports that Hillary Clinton is "intent on portraying a future Clinton presidency as less an Obama third term than Obama Plus." In other words, if there's something you like about President Obama's time in office, she's for that thing. If there's a different thing you think Obama hasn't done very well, she's against that thing.

According to a Free Beacon analysis, "Obama Plus" is a reasonably accurate way to describe Hillary Clinton. Here are fives ways Hillary is just like Obama, but more.

1. Hillary Clinton is much older than Obama

If elected, Hillary Clinton, 67, would become one of the oldest leaders in world history. Barack Obama, 53, is much younger, and has zero grandchildren. Clinton has one.

2. Hillary Clinton is much richer than Obama

President Obama made just $477,000 in 2014, which is about what Hillary Clinton can make in two hours on the speaking circuit. Hillary and her husband earned roughly 60 times ($30 million+) what Obama did last year.

3. Hillary Clinton is twice as white as Obama

Obama's mother was white. Both of Hillary's parents were white, making her twice as white as Obama. Unlike the 2016 Republican field of candidates, the entire Democratic field is white.

4. Hillary Clinton has twice as many X chromosomes as Obama

Obama, a man, has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Hillary, a female, has two X chromosomes. That's twice as many.

5. Hillary Clinton has written more memoirs than Obama

Obama's qualifications as a presidential candidate in 2008 included the fact that he had written two memoirs (Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope). At the time, that was the same number of memoirs Hillary Clinton had written (Living History and It Takes a Village), but with the publication of Hard Choices in 2014, she became an even more prolific author than the president, even if her actual book sales have failed to measure up.