Retiring Rep. Jim Moran (D., Va.) said Obamacare could become undone because not enough millenials are signing up for the exchanges, WAMU reports.
While more than 40,000 Virginians signed up for health insurance last month, only 27 percent were part of the younger set the White House is depending on to fund the law, and Moran doesn't expect those numbers to improve:
"I'm afraid that the millennials, if you will, are less likely to sign up. I think they feel more independent, I think they feel a little more invulnerable than prior generations," Moran says. "But I don't think we're going to get enough young people signing up to make this bill work as it was intended to financially."
If Moran's prediction is correct, the whole law could unravel. He says there just isn't enough incentive for healthy young people to sign up for insurance.
"And, frankly, there's some legitimacy to their concern because the government spends about $7 for the elderly for every $1 it spends on the young," Moran says.
Moran supported covering everyone under Medicare, which would have been expensive but have avoided this problem. Now Moran is running short on solutions.
"I just don't know how we're going to do it frankly," he says. "If we had a solution I'd be telling the president right now."
Democrats say another part of the problem is that Republicans remain bent on repealing the law and aren't working with them to reform some of the glaring flaws in it.
[H/T Gateway Pundit]