Ryan: Democrats Involved in Scandal Investigations 'Walking Away' From 'Phony' Label

'I think the president is basically trying to change the subject'

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) aggressively disputed the White House's suggestion that the IRS and Benghazi scandals are "phony" Wednesday on "On the Record."

Ryan said particularly with respect to the IRS, Congress knows targeting based on political affiliation occurred and was directly overseen by the IRS chief counsel, one of two political appointees at the organization.

Thus, the "phony" label is wholly inappropriate and indicative of the administration trying to "change the subject" Ryan contended.

Moreover, the Wisconsin congressman claimed he has already seen Democrats involved with "these investigations" begin to abandon the "phony" verbiage because they are "aware of what's going on," suggesting a level of validity to the IRS and Benghazi scandals that the Obama administration will not acknowledge:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: What Democrats on Capitol Hill, when they hear the president say that "the scandals are phony," do they roll their eyes or are they solidly behind the president on that?

PAUL RYAN: They're pretty quiet, actually. Especially the Democrats that are involved in these investigations that know what's going on. I don't think they're going to call them phony scandals. I think they're actually kind of walking away from that label.

Full interview: