Biden: If You Like Your Health Care Plan, You Can Keep It

Repeats Obama pledge about Affordable Care Act

July 15, 2019

Kamala Harris Criticized Epstein's Law Firm While Her Campaign Fundraised Off It

AP: Husband attended Kirkland and Ellis fundraiser hours before Harris's attack

July 15, 2019

Donor Helped Warren Pay for Access to DNC Voter File

Warren will appear at DNC fundraiser in San Francisco, where $10,000 grants attendance at private reception

July 15, 2019

Klobuchar Won't Release Names of Potential Judicial Nominees

Liberal groups preparing secret lists of nominees in preparation for 2020

July 15, 2019

Former Obama Officials Admit Trump Admin Didn't Delay Tubman $20 Bill

The 'delay' was blasted by a number of high-profile Democratic politicians, including Speaker Pelosi

July 15, 2019

Peter Thiel Calls on CIA, FBI to Investigate Google’s China Ties

'They have engaged in the seemingly treasonous decision to work with the Chinese military'

July 15, 2019

Booker, Biden Leave Far-Left, Anti-Israel Activists Fuming

IfNotNow activist: Biden 'was trying to intimidate me'

July 15, 2019

Crowd Boos Julian Castro for Refusing to Hold Baby

'I don't want to give the baby a cold'

July 15, 2019

Trump Admin: Asylum Seekers Must Ask Intermediary Countries First

New rule may staunch flow of immigrants from Central America

July 15, 2019