Biden Surprised So Many Democrats Want to Get Rid of Obamacare

Biden's healthcare plan includes a public option but does not go as far as other Democrats

July 15, 2019

Haley Blasts Dems for Silence About Taking Down of American Flag

Protestors raised the Mexican flag at an ICE detention center

July 15, 2019

McCaskill On Democratic Infighting: 'What The Hell Are They Thinking?'

Defends freshman Kansas rep. from far left attacks

July 15, 2019

McGrath Cancels MSNBC Interview 'At the Last Minute' After Rocky Campaign Launch

She received backlash for flip-flopping on whether she would have supported Kavanugh's confirmation

July 15, 2019

Tlaib Likens 'Racist' Israel to U.S. Segregation During the 19th Century

'There is continued dehumanization and racist policies by the state of Israel'

July 15, 2019

Network of Chinese Concentration Camps for Uighurs Uncovered

Open source project finds 124 camps where Uighurs forcibly 'reeducated'

July 15, 2019

Dems Quiet on Whether Own Student Loan Debt Should be Forgiven

Only 1 of 41 Dems in Congress with student debt said lawmakers should be exempted from loan forgiveness