Oklahoma, J&J Reach End of First National Opioid Trial

The case is widely expected to be a bellwether for future litigation, either saving big pharma or spelling its doom

July 16, 2019

More Than 1,200 Illinois Gun Dealers Yet to Apply for New License

Firearm Dealer License Certification Act takes effect Wednesday

Warren Clashes With Esper Over Raytheon Work

2020 hopeful with ties to Raytheon loses temper with Pentagon nominee: 'This is outrageous!'

July 16, 2019

Biden Spent $250,000 on Private Jet Travel in Second Quarter 

Biden swiped Obama, Clinton over private charters after being late for 2007 primary forum

July 16, 2019

Biden Refuses to Apologize to Protesters for Deportations

Then says he would apologize if 'you were engaged in a misdemeanor and/or your family was separated'

July 16, 2019

Rep. Cheney Slams Socialist Democrats' Policies

'That is not compassion, that is callousness born of ignorance'

July 16, 2019

Sanders: I Would 'Probably Not' Move U.S. Embassy Back to Tel Aviv

Other Dem candidates said they would not move it

July 16, 2019

Sanders: Medicare for All Will Cost $40 Trillion Over 10 Years

Bernie says Biden's plan would cost more than Medicare for All

July 16, 2019