voting booth

Majority of J Street-Backed Candidates in Contested Races Lose

J Street says growing influence will allow it to 'retake the reins of America's foreign policy'

November 8, 2018

The Tenuous Democratic House Majority

Narrowest Democratic majority since 1945

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

New U.S. Sanctions on Iran Omit Half of Entities Tied to Tehran's Terror-Tied Fighting Force

Experts warn sanctions are skipping over key financial lifelines for Tehran

November 8, 2018

Soros Donor Network-Linked Candidates Strike Out During Midterms

Scott Wallace and Stacey Abrams—both tied to the Democracy Alliance—lose

November 8, 2018
Claire McCaskill

After Losing, Dem Politicians Now Say They Can Be Truthful

McCaskill, Cordray 'freed from constraints' of not being able to say what they really think

November 8, 2018
Martha McSally, Kyrsten Sinema

Legal Battle Emerges as Arizona Senate Vote Count Drags On

'Outstack' ballots could become the next 'hanging chad' scenario

November 8, 2018