Donald Trump is Chris Matthews: A Relentless Flatterer

Turns Out I'm Like Donald Trump, Let's Play Hardball

October 6, 2015

Former NBC employee Donald Trump is known for his persistent insults and put-downs of his fellow presidential candidates, but he's also a relentless flatterer, like current NBC employee and professional liberal talking head Chris Matthews.

Trump consistently refers to such groups as "the blacks," "the Muslims," and "the Hispanics" all being "great people," whereas Matthews, longtime host of MSNBC's Hardball, prefers to gush over his guests as being "the best" or "fantastic."

Both Trump and Matthews also have highly fragile egos. For just one example for both, Trump took to Twitter after being roughed up by Fox News host Megyn Kelly in the first GOP debate to complain about unfair treatment, and Matthews grew angry when he was reminded years after the fact that he once got a thrill up his leg from then-Sen. Barack Obama.

The two have also made rather uncomfortable remarks about women on their respective TV shows, with Trump remarking it would be a "pretty picture" to see model Brande Roderick "dropping to [her] knees" on the Celebrity Apprentice in 2013, and Matthews in 2007 asking then-CNBC reporter Erin Burnett to move closer to the camera and calling her a "knockout."

Previously, Washington Free Beacon reporter Blake Seitz demonstrated that Trump is also Obama, with their fellow audacious calls for hope through single-payer health care, support for abortion rights, cutting and running in Iraq and making America great.

Trump also is positive that many different groups of people with whom he polls poorly "love me" nevertheless. He has lately rejected the notion that, with the first real drop in his poll numbers, he will leave the race. Similarly, Matthews has survived a tidal wave of MSNBC cancellations and appears likely to be on television forever.