ANALYSIS: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Backdrops Prove She's Just Like Us!

April 21, 2015

Hillary Clinton has been touring the country (i.e., Iowa and New Hampshire) and visiting with everyday Americans (i.e., Democratic activists pre-screened by her campaign) and listening to their stories and agreeing aggressively.

Clinton’s campaign has made use of carefully selected backdrops for these meeting in order to make Hillary seem like an everyday human person who knows what it’s like to drive her own car, park it in a parking lot, and walk to the Walmart to buy a mop. The backdrops have achieved measurable success in portraying Hillary as one of us, a Free Beacon analysis found.

She holds meetings in a garage

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mick Starcevich

She holds court on a factory floor

Hillary Rodham Clinton

She laughs with strangers

Hillary Rodham Clinton, JP Howard, Jennifer Howard

She sits naturally in a coffee shop 

Hillary Rodham Clinton

She communicates with hand gestures

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Dave Stabler

She's just like us

hillary gif