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A Better Read on the Economy
REVIEW: 'The Myth of American Inequality: How Government Biases Policy Debate' by Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund, and John Early
October 23, 2022
Study: Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Seekers Are Often Repeat Customers
Medicaid data paint grim picture of a post-Hyde Amendment world
July 9, 2021
Obama-Era Scheme Illegally Paid $227 Million to States as a Result of Miscalculations
Rushed Medicaid bonus failed to vet inflated state enrollment figures
September 25, 2019
Bloomberg Analysis: Poorer Families Lose Under Sanders Plan
Taxpayers with employer-sponsored insurance also likely to pay more on Medicare for all
July 2, 2019
Admin Halts Disability Dues Scheme
Regulation will no longer allow unions to take dues money from Medicaid checks
May 6, 2019