Fundraisers Pan Obama's Spam

Fundraising experts on both sides of the aisle panned President Barack Obama’s increasingly desperate pleas for cash, according to the Daily.

Those signed up for the president’s campaign email list have been treated to a heightening barrage of handwringing, doomsday prophesying, heartache, torment, fear and loathing — and that’s just the emails’ subject headings.

Taken together, the headers read like an Amy Winehouse discography: "We got beat" (June 7); "Hell no" (June 19); "Urgent" (July 6); "A big problem right now" (July 7); "We could lose if this continues" (July 9); "This is potentially devastating (July 13)." And so on …

"If I worked for the campaign, my next one would be, ‘We have your cat,’ " joked Scott Ferson, a longtime Democratic strategist who worked for Sen. Ted Kennedy’s re-election bid against Romney in 1994.

Fundraising insiders say the emails represent real fear from Obama’s once-unrivaled campaign operation, which generated record amounts of cash in 2008, but has spent more than it has raised over the past two months.

A well-placed campaign fundraising source told The Daily that the e-mails are not just tactical, but rather an accurate reflection of the campaign’s "real shock" over being outraised by Romney the last two months.

"I think Romney is in another stratosphere as far as his connections," said the source. "It is quite shocking and surprising."