Conway: 'Unpredictable X-Factor' Trump Might Not Hold Mock Debates

August 28, 2016

Donald Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway was unsure Sunday as to whether her "unpredictable X-factor" candidate would hold mock sessions to prepare for upcoming presidential debates with Hillary Clinton.

The Washington Post reported Saturday that Trump was holding a pow-wow in New Jersey on Sunday with confidantes like former Fox News chief Roger Ailes, radio host Laura Ingraham and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. The story said he wasn't holding mock debates, but if he did end up doing so, Ingraham could "play" Clinton.

On Fox News Sunday, Conway contrasted Trump's "unconventional" approach with that of Clinton cramming information while locked away in a room.

"He will be prepared for these debates," Conway said. "All of his policy prescriptions that he's putting out just in the last two weeks, Chris, on defeating radical Islamic terrorism, on middle-class tax relief, on law enforcement, on taking his case to the communities of colors."

"Is he going to hold mock debates?" host Chris Wallace asked.

"He may, but remember, he's an unconventional—and this idea of role-playing Hillary Clinton, Laura's a friend of all of ours, and we appreciate any insight and advice that she is willing to give in her very busy life," Conway said. "We take advice and we take counsel from many different people who have experience and mean to be helpful."

Conway said the Clinton camp was likely nervous to face off with Trump.

"I think they're nervous over in Clinton camp, because he's the unpredictable X-factor," she said. "She is the scripted, statist Hillary Clinton that basically needs to memorize lines."