Bloomberg: The Clinton 'Nexus Of Money And Official Action' To Be Investigated

December 17, 2014

While most news outlets focused on the North Korean Sony hack and U.S.-Cuban relations opening Wednesday, one shocker of a scandal fell under the radar.

Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin sat down with John Heilemann to discuss a story where Hillary Clinton, in her capacity as Secretary of State, lifted a ban on an Ecuadorean woman so she could work for one of President Obama’s top donors.

There is still more investigating to be done, "but the bottom line is not good for the Clintons," Halperin said.

Halperin asked of Heilemann, "What does it reveal about Hillary Clinton’s vulnerability?"

"There is a lot to look at – at the nexus of money and official action," Heilemann said. "At the State Department, at her husband’s foundation, the whole family, everything it’s done where money meets policy. There’s a lot of stuff to look at, this is just the tip."

As Clinton prepares for a possible presidential campaign, all eyes will be on her, and scandals are likely to unravel. Investigators are likely to pursue more stories considering her advisors are remaining silent.

"Her operation is just not responding, they’re just content to hope the story goes away, and it won’t because stuff like this needs to be explained," Halperin said.

Failure to respond could be disastrous not just for Clinton, but for the Democratic Party.