
Upholding the Rule of Law

Analysis: Halbig v. Burwell is a blow to Obamacare, but issue is far from settled

July 22, 2014

Unions Ending Forced-Dues Collection of Home Healthcare Workers

Following Supreme Court ruling, SEIU local in Washington state stops deducting dues from non-members

July 22, 2014

Jon Karl Eviscerates Claim That Obama’s Schedule is Busy

'I find that explanation, frankly, a little hard to believe'

White House Fights to Keep Shirley Sherrod Emails Secret

Admin says public does not have 'any need for access to those documents'

Critics Demand Dems Live on Wage Paid to Interns: Nothing

Democrats call for wage hikes while their interns work for free

July 22, 2014
damaged homes due to clashes between fighters of ISIL and Iraqi security forces

Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S. Calls for More American Support

Experts question Iraqi cooperation with U.S. adversaries

July 22, 2014