MSNBC Producer Goes ‘All In’ With Hillary Clinton Fan-Girling

October 7, 2016

MSNBC editorial producer Sheara Braun went "All In" fan-girling over having a Hillary Clinton surrogate on Chris Hayes’ evening show.

In the leaked April 2015 email, Braun had messaged the Clinton campaign asking for one of their surrogates to come on the network’s show All In with Chris Hayes to discuss the scandals surrounding the Clintons in the 1990s.

"We’ve been airing a ‘Hillary Clinton for Millennials’ segment on our program every night this past week," Braun wrote in the email. "The point of the segment is basically to inform young people about all of the crap and nonsense that Sec. Clinton and President Clinton (but mostly Sec. Clinton) had to face back in the 90s when President Clinton was running for office."

Braun’s email did not mention the time when Bill Clinton lied under oath as president about his alleged sexual relationship with a White House intern.

Braun then played the gender card in her email about the criticism that Hillary Clinton faces on the campaign trail.

"The point isn’t to dwell on the past but the point is to talk about this amazing, intelligent woman who probably faced more nonsense back in the day because she is a woman ... and she continues to have to face it," Braun wrote. "She is smarter than most men and more qualified than most men to be president."

The Daily Caller reported that the leaked email was published on the website DCLeaks, which has been accused of having connections to Russian hackers. The email was sent to Clinton campaign spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod, and was then forward to Clinton insider Capricia Marshall and Melanne Verveer.

Verveer is executive director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, and Marshall is the former Chief of Protocol of the United States.