Brzezinski: Clinton’s Email Server ‘Self-Serving’ and ‘Completely Inappropriate’

August 8, 2016

MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski strongly criticized Hillary Clinton on Monday for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

"What really worried me is that there’s a bigger picture here, that they are–I don’t want to say covering up because it sounds like completely illegal–I think there was just a self-serving reason to set up the private server that was completely inappropriate and it was done, whether it’s to widen the footprint of the [Clinton] Foundation while she was secretary of state or whatever, paranoia, but they set up a server because they didn’t want it in the State Department," Brzezinski said. "Can we go back to the beginning here and not talk about the five emails that weren’t marked or were marked or whether she knew they were marked?"

"It was wrong, all of it, all of it, all of it," Brzezinski added.

"Mika, everybody knows that," co-host Joe Scarborough said.

"No, they don’t," Brzezinski responded

"Yes, they do. Everybody knows that but Hillary Clinton," Scarborough said.

Brzezinski’s criticism comes amid renewed controversy surrounding Clinton’s server. The Democratic nominee recently said that FBI Director James Comey’s congressional testimony last month on her server proved she has been truthful about her email practices. The Washington Post’s fact checker subsequently said Clinton’s claim was false.

Clinton said days later she may have "short circuited" when asked about her statement.