Republican Senate candidate Josh Hawley says that Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) is proving with her blanket opposition to tax reform legislation that she is "all talk" when it comes to getting tax relief for Missouri workers.
Hawley, who currently serves as Missouri's attorney general, launched a new website labeling his Democratic opponent "Claire McTaxAll" that showcases her "worst votes in opposition to tax relief."
"Claire McCaskill has consistently voted to leave Missouri's working families behind," Hawley said. "For months she has pretended to have an interest in getting tax relief for Missouri workers, but instead voted lockstep with Chuck Schumer—not Missouri families."
"She has no problem voting for massive tax increases," he said. "But when it comes to tax cuts for working families, she is all talk."
The website features 50 votes McCaskill has taken both against tax relief and for tax increases, such as votes against repealing Obamacare taxes such as the "Cadillac tax," votes against extending Bush administration tax cuts, and votes to increase taxes on energy use. The site also highlights McCaskill's opposition to current Republican efforts to pass tax reform.
"For years, Senator McCaskill has claimed to be on the side of working class families, but time and time again, her votes prove she sides with liberals in Washington," the website says.
McCaskill said she was open to working with Republicans on tax reform legislation and visited the White House in October to meet with President Donald Trump to discuss the possibility of a bipartisan tax reform bill. McCaskill ended up joining the rest of her party to vote against tax legislation the Senate passed without a single Democratic vote.