Fox News: Clinton Team May Have Manipulated Benghazi Hearing

September 6, 2016

Fox News correspondent Catherine Herridge reported Tuesday that some of Hillary Clinton’s top aides may have manipulated her testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2013 about the 2012 attacks on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Herridge showed emails between Chelsea Clinton and a senior aide to her mother in which Chelsea said there had been contact with committee member Sen. Robert Melendez (D., N.J.) seeing if he would ask Hillary Clinton certain questions when she appeared before the committee.

"These emails were obtained by Citizens United, who is seeking records from the State Department including emails from Chelsea Clinton and her mother’s closest aides," Herridge said. "In this email from January 2013, Clinton media gatekeeper Philippe Reines writes to Chelsea with an update on the hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee."

"For privacy reasons, Chelsea uses the email address,, and the email reads in part, ‘We wired it that Menendez would provide an opportunity to address two topics we needed to debunk, her actions/whereabouts on 9/11 and these email from Chris Stevens about moving locations,’" Herridge said. "That is a reference to Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was among the three others killed in the 2012 attack. The first question right out of the gate from Senator Menendez covers both of those topics."

Herridge then played a clip from Clinton’s appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

"Can you give us your insights on the decision making process regarding the location of the mission, and as part of that, can you also in your response, you touched upon it in your opening statement, but what actions were you and your staff taking the night of September 11th, and into September the 12th?" Menendez asked during the hearing.

"Well, first you’re right, Mr. Chairman, that there was an ongoing discussion," Clinton began to respond.

Herridge also said the emails were released by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch and both Clinton’s campaign and Menendez’s office did not reply to a request for comment.