Dems Back Assault Weapons Ban at Convention

Dems Praise Biden's weapon ban

August 19, 2020

Democrats threw their weight behind a so-called assault weapons ban during Wednesday evening's convention programming.

Democratic activists featured in a video montage pushed gun-control measures and praised Democratic nominee Joe Biden for pushing a ban on the sales of popular guns like the AR-15.

"I want a president who cares about our pain and grief, a president who will take on the gun lobby to ban assault weapons and close the loopholes to keep guns out of the hands of criminals," Moms Demand Action volunteer Deandra Dycus said. "Joe Biden has taken on the NRA twice and won. And he will do it again as president."

The video was the first prominent discussion of gun control during the virtual DNC. It came as gun sales have soared to record levels since March.

Though Democrats have been pursuing a new assault weapons ban since the previous one expired, Joe Biden (D.) has proposed a far more aggressive ban than the one he supported in 1994. His plan would require anyone who legally owns one of the so-called assault weapons to either turn them into the government during a buyback or pay to register them under the same law that regulates machineguns and explosives.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris (D.) went even further during her failed primary campaign by supporting the outright confiscation of assault weapons. She advocated for a mandatory buyback of what she estimated to be up to 10 million legally owned firearms. 

"We have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory gun buyback program," she said during an October policy forum hosted by the gun-control group March for Our Lives. "We’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets but doing it the right way."