Paul Ryan Asks CBO to Re-Score Obamacare

The House Budget Committee has asked the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to recalculate the cost of Obamacare in the wake of the Obama administration’s decision to delay several key parts of the healthcare system overhaul, according to the Washington Examiner:

House Republicans have asked the Congressional Budget Office for a new cost estimate of President Obama’s health care law in light of recent regulations that both suspend the law’s employer mandate and remove key anti-fraud safeguards.

"Chairman Ryan’s staff asked CBO to evaluate the impact of the administration’s recent decisions," House Budget Committee spokesman William Allison told the Washington Examiner Monday. "CBO will need time to complete this request. And Congress needs more time to sort out the effects of what amounts to a startling admission by the administration: Obamacare is unworkable. But all Americans should get more time. Workers and families should get relief from the law. Policymakers should get a chance to start over and fix what’s broken in health care."

The administration waived two parts of the law for one year last week. They will not enforce the mandate that employers must provide insurance to their employees. They will also not require the states running their own health insurance "exchanges" to verify the income of those receiving subsidies for insurance.