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Theresa Greenfield
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Iowa Farmer Featured on Greenfield Mailer Says He Supports Ernst
'I wish that I would have at least been given a courtesy call to ask for permission'
October 23, 2020
Schumer PAC Peddles Fake Farm Bureau Email in Attack on Ernst
Group still supports Republican senator
October 19, 2020
Ernst Preaches Law and Order from Harley
Iowa GOP senator barnstorms Iowa as a 'firewall' to Democratic control in D.C.
October 13, 2020
Democratic Senate Candidates Largely Opposed to Court Packing
September 24, 2020
Gun-Control Group Shies Away from Guns in Swing State Attack Ads
Everytown super PAC downplays gun control to boost Dems Greenfield, Cunningham
September 2, 2020
GOP Senators Band Together to Call for Debates
Gardner, Tillis, and McSally press for national CNN debates
September 1, 2020
Iowa Democrat Theresa Greenfield To Skip First Debate
GOP senator Ernst to take debate stage solo
August 26, 2020
Pro-Greenfield 'Small Biz Owner' Is Actually A Dem Official
Greenfield trots out longtime Iowa Dem to defend her controversial business record
August 5, 2020
Iowa Dem Scrubs Business Experience From Campaign Site After Local Business Owners Slam Her Record
Theresa Greenfield came under fire for evicting small businesses from a local strip mall
July 27, 2020