The Latest

'They Basically Oppose Everything': Green Lobby Takes Hard Stand Against Bill Fast-Tracking Green Energy Projects

Burdensome permitting reviews slowing energy development nationwide, a federal study found

August 1, 2024

For GOP Senate Hopefuls at RNC, Every State Is a Border State

From Pennsylvania to Michigan to Montana, top Republican recruits tie their opponents to Biden's border crisis

July 16, 2024

Ruben Gallego Ad Features Sheriff Who Likened Border Agents to Nazi Secret Police

Santa Cruz County sheriff David Hathaway has repeatedly insulted border agents as 'goons,' argued for 'porous' borders

July 1, 2024

Rabbis Press Dem Leader Schumer To Pass Bills To Combat Anti-Semitism

Rabbis also take issue with Schumer’s comments attacking Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu

June 17, 2024

GOP Senators Press IRS To Revoke Tax-Exempt Status of 'Palestine Chronicle' Nonprofit Tied to Hamas Hostage Taker

'While Aljamal may have played a journalist by day, the evidence clearly suggests he was, at minimum, a Hamas collaborator,' letter says

June 12, 2024

GOP Senator Introduces Bill To Continue Arms Sales to Israel

Sen. Cotton's legislation brings fight over Biden’s arms pause to Senate

May 14, 2024