The Latest

China Hawks Sound Alarm Over Podesta Appointment

Lawmakers worry ex-Clinton aide will give communist nation a powerful ally in the White House

September 8, 2022

Green Groups Thwarting Geothermal Solutions to Energy Problems

Pro-geothermal bill would make it easier to generate affordable, renewable energy

September 24, 2021

Protesters Interrupt Politico Energy Discussion With Dem Governors

‘You guys are liars and are poisoning the planet’

July 27, 2016

Shareholders Sue Solar Firm Backed by Billions in U.S. Funds

Three former employees describe a pervasive culture of illegality at the Spanish solar company Abengoa

August 20, 2015

Foreign Firm Funding U.S. Green Groups Tied to State-Owned Russian Oil Company

Executives at a Bermudan firm funneling money to U.S. environmentalists run investment funds with Russian tycoons

January 27, 2015

EPA Sets Biofuel Supply Requirements to Decrease Fossil Fuel Reliance

Oil and gas industry say the agency is trying to make a ‘broken’ system work

August 6, 2013
Ronald Reagan, Alternative Energy, Fracking

Former Reagan Energy Official Criticizes Obama Approach

William Perry Pendley says Reagan wouldn’t be surprised by the progress of fracking

July 8, 2013

Chevron CEO Says Key to Energy Independence Is Non-Traditional Fossil Fuels

Cites need to approve Keystone XL pipeline, amongst other infrastructure projects

June 11, 2013

Cut the Credits

Pompeo: End all energy tax credits

January 16, 2013