Networks Give Climate March 4.5 Times More Coverage Than March for Life

Split evident in amount of coverage--or lack thereof

September 23, 2014

The big three broadcast networks dedicated all of 46 seconds to covering the March for Life in January. Those same networks spent four and a half times longer on the People's Climate March yesterday, according to the Media Research Center.

NBC Nightly News, ABC World News Tonight on Sept. 21 and CBS This Morning and ABC’s Good Morning America on Sept. 22 gave a combined three minutes and 27 seconds to the climate march. That was four-and-a-half times the 46 seconds of stories that NBC and ABC evening news shows gave to the March for Life in January 2014.

The networks' coverage of the climate march included no critique of the protesters' own carbon use.

Nothing was said on any of the network news’ programs about how far people traveled by fossil-fuel-guzzling cars or airplanes to march in New York City on Sept. 21. The hypocrisy of expending massive amounts of greenhouse gases in order to call for an end to fossil fuels was ignored, although green celebrity Al Gore and the UN’s Ban-Ki Moon were both mentioned by name on Nightly News.

Radical political views promoted by many in the crowd were also left out of the evening news broadcasts.

The networks also ignored protesters’ calls for "revolution" and a new society as well as the many socialist groups, including Communist Party USA and Occupy groups that backed the protests.