Netanyahu: I Look Forward to Working With Donald Trump

December 12, 2016

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he is looking forward to working with President-elect Donald Trump in an interview with 60 Minutes aired Sunday.

Interviewer Lesley Stahl asked Netanyahu how he feels about the incoming U.S. president.

"I know Donald Trump. I know him very well and I think his attitude, his support for Israel is clear," Netanyahu said. "He feels very warmly about the Jewish state, about the Jewish people, and about Jewish people. There's no question about that."

Stahl then asked Netanyahu about his relationship with President Obama and their publicized differences over issues like the Iran nuclear deal. The Israeli leader was one of the most vocal international critics against the nuclear accord, arguing it gives the Islamic Republic a path to a nuclear bomb in about a decade and does not address address the country's aggression in the Middle East.

"I had differences of opinion with President Obama and most well known, of course, is Iran," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu denied that any problems between him and Obama were personal, but rather about policy issues. Netanyahu also said that his speech to Congress in 2015, during which he castigated the nuclear deal as it was being negotiated, was not a personal jab at Obama.

Stahl asked Netanyahu what options would remain if the nuclear deal is scrapped under Trump's administration.

"I think what options we have are much more than you think," Netanyahu said. "Many more and I'll talk about it with President Trump."