Americans Still Care More About Inflation Than Abortion

(cropped, Al Drago/Getty Images)
June 13, 2022

Most Americans still rank record-high inflation under President Joe Biden as the most important issue facing the United States even as the mainstream media fear-monger about the Supreme Court potentially overturning Roe v. Wade, according to a FiveThirtyEight/Ipsos poll released Thursday.

Fifty-five percent of Americans—including 71 percent of Republicans, 41 percent of Democrats, and 54 percent of independents—say inflation is the most important issue, the poll found, a 4-point increase since May. Just 10 percent, by contrast, say abortion is their biggest concern.

While mainstream media sources, including the New York Times, have attempted to stoke fears of abortion bans following the leak of a Supreme Court ruling that overturns Roe, the percent of Americans who cite abortion as their most important issue has increased by only 5 points, the poll found.

More than twice as many Americans reported seeing increased news coverage about abortion.

The FiveThirtyEight/Ipsos poll is not an outlier. Polls by Pew Research, ABC News, and Quinnipiac all show that Americans consider inflation to be the most important issue. Two-thirds of Americans, meanwhile, disapprove of Biden's economic performance, the Washington Free Beacon has reported.