Poll Shows Biden Behind in Five Swing States

(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
May 22, 2024

A poll released Wednesday shows President Joe Biden trailing presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in five of seven anticipated swing states in the 2024 presidential election.

If a head-to-head matchup were held today, Trump would beat the incumbent Democrat in North Carolina by 7 percentage points, in Arizona by 5 points, in Georgia by 3 points, in Pennsylvania by 2 points, and in Wisconsin by 1 point, according to the Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll on Wednesday.  

Meanwhile, Biden has a 1-point advantage over the former president in Michigan, and the two candidates are tied in Nevada. 

With the inclusion of third-party contenders such as independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump would maintain his lead in the five swing states while gaining an additional advantage over Biden in Nevada.

The Wednesday results are consistent with what other recent polls have found. A New York Times poll last week also showed Trump leading Biden in five swing states: Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. A Harvard CAPS/Harris poll on Monday showed Trump is ahead of Biden by 6 points nationally.