The Latest

Among Michigan's Striking Autoworkers, a Tepid Welcome for 'Union Joe'

Fears of electric-vehicle-induced layoffs loom over Biden's trip to the picket line

September 26, 2023

Biden's Climate Bill Was Meant To Combat China. Now a Chinese Firm Is Poised To Cash In.

Ford is using Chinese parts and labor at new battery plant, still expects to cash in on Biden tax credits

February 21, 2023

Detroit Will Close Schools on Fridays for 'Deep Cleaning'

Cleaning process does not decrease COVID infections, studies show

November 18, 2021

FBI Raids Detroit City Hall in Corruption Probe

Agents also raided homes of Democratic city council members

August 25, 2021

Detroit Women Flock to Gun Training

Detroit volunteers train nearly 2,000 women in one weekend

August 22, 2020