Wealthy Hillary Clinton Donor Enters 2016 Race, Vows to Run to Her Left on Trade

Donald Trump / AP
June 16, 2015

Prominent businesman and Hillary Clinton donor Donald Trump announced Tuesday that he was entering the 2016 presidential race. Trump, who donated to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign and has given at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation, is a controversial figure.

Trump's willingness to take bold stands on the issues will immediately set him apart from the candidate he once supported. Hillary Clinton, for example, has repeatedly declined to state her position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, opting for evasive nonsense such as "the questions that were raised are ones that have to be answered." 

Trump, on the other hand, stands firmly with Bernie Sanders and other staunch progressives in opposition to the job-killing TPP, also known as "ObamaTrade." He has denounced it as a "bad deal."

Hillary Clinton supported the invasion of Iraq in 2003, whereas Donald Trump predicted the regional chaos that would result from George W. Bush's war, one based on "lies" that other gullible politicians, such as Hillary Clinton, believed in order to advance their political careers. Trump predicted all the bad things that happened because he is a genius and makes successful business deals for a living.

Clinton was a featured guest at Trump's wedding in 2005.