Climate of Hate: Greta Thunberg Joins Pro-Hamas Resistance

Adult child activist promotes Jew hatred on social media

October 20, 2023

What happened: Greta Thunberg, the 20-year-old child activist best known for skipping school to protest so-called climate change, dabbled in anti-Semitism on Friday.

• The celebrity truant held a "Stand with Gaza" sign in a photo posted on social media, the initial version of which also included a blue octopus plush toy resembling the anti-Semitic imagery in Nazi propaganda.

• Thunberg deleted the original photo, claiming to be "completely unaware" of the common anti-Semitic trope. Nevertheless, her revised post included links to a number of so-called Palestinian activist groups that defended the Hamas terrorist attack that killed more than 1,000 Israeli civilians earlier this month.

What they're saying: One of the groups Thunberg promoted, the Palestinian Youth Movement, described the mass-murder of Israeli civilians, including children, as "the active decolonization of Palestinian land led by the Palestinian resistance" and repeated the false claim that "over 500 Palestinians were martyred after Israeli forces bombed Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza."

• Another group Thunberg urged her 14.6 million followers to consult for "information on how you can help," the Adalah Justice Project, also accused Israel of having "bombed a hospital with U.S. funded missiles." (Fact check: The terrorist group Islamic Jihad fired a rocket that landed in a parking lot near the hospital.)

• Thunberg also promoted a German organization called Palestine Speaks that celebrated the slaughter of Israeli civilians. "We are overwhelmed," the group wrote on October 7. "Today is a revolutionary day to be proud of. But also a historical point that gives us a sign that change is possible."

Bottom line: Greta Thunberg should have stayed in school.