Free Beacon Andrew Stiles

Andrew Stiles is senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He can be reached at

Dick Durbin's Legacy of Shame

Media outlets ignore scandalous record ahead of hearings to confirm the next Supreme Court justice

March 3, 2022

Biden Touts Police Funding, Border Security in Rebuke to Democrats

In break with party, Biden says 'our kids need to be in school.'

March 2, 2022

Lib Journos Go on Strike. Here's What They're Demanding To Return to Work.

Gizmodo union blasts 12-week family leave policy as 'inadequate'

March 1, 2022

In Continuation of Obama Legacy, Biden Presides Over Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Trump right again: 'Putin is playing Biden like a drum.'

February 24, 2022

Drunk Dem: 'I Don't Remember' Harassing Tween Girls at Slumber Party

Abby Broyles told a blatant lie, then blatantly lied about lying

February 23, 2022

Report: Drunk Democrat Ruins Tween Slumber Party, Denies Everything

'It really was as bad as it sounds. She went from zonked out to attacking kids.'

February 18, 2022

Laurene Powell Jobs Employs 'Bare-Knuckle' PR Firm That Defended Harvey Weinstein, Jussie Smollett

Apple widow owns The Atlantic, has invested millions in Democratic-aligned publications

February 16, 2022