Free Beacon Andrew Stiles

Andrew Stiles is senior writer at the Washington Free Beacon. He can be reached at

The Political Targeting of George Santos Is Inextricable From His Sexual Orientation and Latinx Heritage

Racially charged 'fact-checking' is morally (and literally) equivalent to violence. Leave the poor man alone!

January 31, 2023

UP IN SMOKE: California Business Climate So Bad Even Jerry Garcia's Marijuana Company Is Leaving

Firms are fleeing the state to escape crippling regulations and high taxes under Gov. Gavin Newsom

January 30, 2023

WATCH: Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. 27)

Ailing geezer touts 'artificial intelivance' and 'viting vehicles' to 'counter Ukraine's brutal aggression'

January 27, 2023

Great Moments in American History, Revised According to AP's Inclusive Style Guide

Journalists urged to avoid 'general and often dehumanizing' labels such as 'the French'

January 27, 2023

This Week in Woke: Stop Objectifying Mummies!

Some archaeologists say the word 'mummy' undermines the humanity of ancient tyrants who enslaved Jews

January 25, 2023

Washington Post Hit With Biden-Era Layoffs as Subscriptions Plummet

Trump was right: 'All forms of media will tank if I'm not there'

January 24, 2023

FACT CHECK: 'If You're a Person in Power, Expert Fact-Checker Daniel Dale Is Watching Your Words'

Verdict: We're glad to know Dale is alive after a prolonged absence, but he's still not interested in holding powerful Democrats to account

January 24, 2023