
Congress to Consider Easing Passage into U.S. for Immigrants

Congressional source: 'The amendment is intended to be a response to Trump’s statement' about Muslims

December 9, 2015

Republican Candidates Unite Behind Pro-Growth Tax Message

Grover Norquist: GOP contenders in 'same zone' on tax reform

December 9, 2015
Defense Secretary Ash Carter

Former Advisers to Obama: More U.S. Ground Forces Needed to Defeat Islamic State

Retired Army chief of staff: ‘You've got to attack them on several fronts and we're not doing it’

December 9, 2015
Defense Secretary Ash Carter

Defense Sec: US Combat Troops Would ‘Americanize’ Conflict in Iraq, Syria

Carter does not recommend sending combat troops to fight Islamic State

December 9, 2015
voter ID

Hillary Clinton Donor at Firm With Eric Holder Among Lawyers Behind Voter ID Suit

Top Clinton Lawyer, Soros behind three previous lawsuits filed in other states

December 9, 2015