
No Keith Ellison, McDonald's Isn't 'Clear-Cutting Forests' to Graze More Cattle

DNC vice chair labels fast food giant a 'bad actor,' calls for 'maximum wage' laws

March 24, 2018

Trump Summoned for AG Lawsuit Alleging Constitutional Violation

CREW filed an almost identical earlier lawsuit that was thrown out after a judge said it did not have standing

March 23, 2018

Taxpayers Still Funding Planned Parenthood

Omnibus still allows America's largest abortion provider to collect hundreds of millions

March 23, 2018

U.S. Charges Nine Iranians With Massive Cyber-Campaign on Behalf of IRGC

'The Department of Justice will aggressively investigate and prosecute hostile actors who attempt to profit from America's ideas'

March 23, 2018

Trump Signs $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill

Cites national security concerns, need to properly fund military

March 23, 2018