WH Struggles to Explain Why Obama Opposes Enhanced Interrogation, Even If It Saves Lives

December 10, 2014

ABC’s Jon Karl pressed White House spokesman Josh Earnest on Wednesday, asking for President Obama’s stance on enhanced interrogation techniques (EIT) used on detainees.

EITs are said to have provided critical information in the CIA’s efforts to disrupt terrorist operations and prevented the deaths of Americans.

"If these tactics help prevent a mass casualty of attack, lots of American lives, lives of our allies, how could the president say they weren't worth it? Is it better to see those lives lost?" Karl asked.

"What the president believes is our moral authority is critically important to representing our interests and protecting the United States of America and that the use of these techniques undermines that authority.

"It degrades our ability to coordinate with our allies and partners all around the globe. It hurts our standing in the world, and that's why the president is committed to rebuilding that moral authority," Earnest said.

"Once we can do that, one important step in doing that is releasing this report, acknowledging our shortcomings, being as transparent as possible about them, and being just as clear about the commitment that this president and his administration has to ensuring they are never used again."