Netanyahu on Rowhani: The World Is Not That 'Gullible'

'I'm not sure I am isolated. I talk to people. And people are not that gullible'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed Iranian President Hassan Rowhani's recent diplomatic overtures Wednesday in an interview with Andrea Mitchell.

Netanyahu reminded Mitchell that Iran is not governed by Rowhani but by Ayatollah Khomenei, who "heads a cult" that is "wild in its ambition and aggression."

Moreover, according to Netanyahu, Iran is still participating in terrorist activities in "dozens of countries" including Syria.

The Israeli prime minister slightly criticized President Obama's call with Rowhani, but noted the call itself is not the "essential thing," but the "substance" of U.S. foreign policy towards Iran:

ANDREA MITCHELL: Why not give this man a chance?

BENJANMIN NETANYAHU: Are you kidding? They would toss out this regime. They wear blue jeans. These people, the Iranian people the majority of them are actually pro western. But they don't have that. They are governed by not by Rowhani, they are governed by Ayatollah Khomenei. He heads a cult. That cult is wild in its its ambition and aggression. He talks about the "scourge" of terrorism. Iran conducts as we speak now terrorist operations in dozens of countries. He speaks of the tragedy if Syria. Iran's forces help Assad perpetrate the massacre of tens of thousands of men, women and children as the we speak. It's one thing to say one thing and another of what they do. I look at what they do, not what they say.

MITCHELL: Was it a mistake for President Obama to call him?

NETANYAHU: I don't think the call is the essential thing. The essential thing is the substance. What happens in the negotiations? I don't think we let Iran get away with it.

MITHCELL: Doesn't this diplomacy make it more difficult for Israel if you deem it necessary to act alone militarily, because the rest of the world is saying "hoo hoo-rah, Iran is changing." And you're isolated.

NETANYAHU: I'm not sure I am isolated. I talk to people. And people are not that gullible. In fact, they're not that gullible at all, it's nice words but they're not foolish.

MITCHELL: Do you trust the president, President Obama to stand by you?

NETANYAHU: I believe the president understands we have a common goal to prevent Iran. He said important things. He said it's not words alone, even conciliatory words are not enough. It has to be meaningful action. We are talking.