NRA TV's New Video: 'Journalism Dies at the Washington Post'

Washington Post / Getty Images
July 19, 2017

NRATV released a video Monday in which talk radio host Grant Stinchfield lambasted the Washington Post as a "fake news" outlet that published "blatantly false" stories about gun owners.

Stinchfield criticized the Post for an article about comments former Navy SEAL Dom Raso made on NRATV, in which he said the left was enabling "organized anarchy" in the form of riots. The Post's article said Raso's video did not have "clear connections to Second Amendment rights," because it was not about guns, which Stinchfield criticized.

"Here's a suggestion for the Washington Post: Don't worry about how many guns are in our videos — worry about how many facts are in your articles," he said.

He also mocked the Post's new masthead slogan "Democracy Dies in Darkness," saying that it should read, "Journalism Dies at the Washington Post."

"You people do more to damage our country with a keyboard than any NRA member combined has ever done with a firearm," Stinchfield said.

Stinchfield said that the Post has targeted gun owners in the past. He described the paper as having a history of left-wing bias.

"For years, the Washington Post has tarnished gun owners in an effort to take away our Second Amendment freedoms," he said. "The fake news outlet even went so far as to make the blatantly false claim that the NRA had illegal ties to Russia."

Another article by the Post connected past NRA president David Keene to former Russian senator Alexander Torshin. The article's larger point was that guns and religion align American conservatives with Russian President Vladimir Putin's government.

"But the Washington Post isn't mad about the lack of guns, it's mad about an abundance of truth — the truth about their role in the organized anarchy of the violent left by spreading lies about those who disagree with their radical agenda," Stinchfield added.

Stinchfield's comments are part of a "Commentators" series and do not represent the official position of the NRA, as the video notes. The Post has not released an official comment on the video, although Alex Horton, the author of the Raso article, tweeted a response.

Published under: NRA , The Washington Post