President Donald Trump held a listening session on Monday with those who were negatively impacted by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), when CNN's feed went to black and cut back to CNN host John King immediately after a woman shared her story.
CNN Cuts Feed on Obamacare Victims During Trump Meeting #TRUMP #KellyanneConway #Vault7 #nationalnappingday #blizzard2017 #Stella
— John Dee✘-Deplorable (@GaltsGultch) March 13, 2017
Before the woman explained her situation, the president had a couple words to share about the "enormous strain" the ACA has had on Americans.
"It's a great honor for you to share your personal stories of struggle under the enormous strain imposed on you by the very, very failed and failing Obamacare law," Trump said. "Secretary Price and I, along with my entire administration and a lot of people in the Senate and a lot of people in the House are committed to repealing and replacing this disastrous law with a health care plan that lowers cost, expands choice and ensures access for everyone."
"You represent the millions of Americans who have seen their Obamacare premiums increase by double digits and triple digits," he added.
At the end of the president's statement, the woman began by talking about how her rates tripled when Obamacare was forced on her.
"Our rates are three times they were before Obamacare started," she said.
She said that with only one provider in her county, it leaves her–a small business owner–with very little options.
"We have one provider in our county," she said. "We have very little options for what we can and cannot do. We are a small business owner. We are actually not a brick and mortar, we are cattle ranchers. we cannot afford our equipment if we are paying these rates year after year after year."
She concluded by saying that Obamacare has put her food source in jeopardy.
"Our food source is in jeopardy because of this health care law," she said.
After this statement, the tape cut out and went back to King.
"Just lost the tape there from the White House," King said.
The incident did not go unnoticed.