Van Hollen Repeats Dem Talking Points on Right to Work, Fiscal Cliff

December 11, 2012

Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D., Md.) appeared on FNC's 'Your World with Neil Cavuto' Tuesday evening to discuss the 'Right to Work' developments coming out of Michigan and the fiscal cliff negotiations in Washington. Van Hollen stuck to Democratic talking points on both subjects, but did offer his take on a potential timeline for an agreement on the fiscal cliff:

NEIL CAVUTO: What happens now? I have been trying to get a sense if a deal will be made toward the end of the year and with all of your byzantine your rules here, they have to have the structure and outline of a deal by Friday in order to get things marked up, and out committee and to conference and votes and all of this stuff i don't understand and the deadline is not the end of the year but this week.

CHRIS VAN HOLLEN: It can be byzantine process but it can take time to get it converted. Your timeframe is right to get it done before Christmas but there is a very big chance we are talking about closer to the end of the year if we get an agreement. I think there is better than 50/50 chance we will. There are a lot of hurdles to cross.