Barber: Obama Never Takes Ownership of His Own Policies

February 4, 2014

The Washington Free Beacon’s Ellison Barber spoke with Fox News’ Jon Scott about President Obama failing to take ownership for policies he has implemented.

Obama has repeatedly blamed the bad economy for holding down job creation across all income levels. Barber said that he focuses on policy outcomes, rather than addressing the root of the problem. One such example is income inequality, and Obama has not addressed the root problems causing poverty and mobility.

Scott noted that many Americans believe that Obamacare is holding hiring in this economy. Under Obamacare, companies with 50 or more employees will be forced to offer health insurance to their workers and their healthcare costs skyrocket. Barber agreed, adding that President Obama has implemented policies that overburden small businesses with regulations.

Barber said that it is important to look closely at the demographic breakdown of enrollment in each state when assessing whether or not Obamacare will meet the 40 percent threshold the administration deemed necessary to create a successful health exchange.

Lastly, Scott and Barber discussed why President Obama claimed that Fox News has been "unfair" to him. Barber noted that Bill O’Reilly was simply trying to hold a public official accountability, which is the job of the press.

Published under: Barack Obama