O'Reilly: Sharpton Calls Me 'Brutalizer of the Poor' But I Bailed Out One of His Charities

Fox News host Bill O'Reilly revealed Thursday night on The O'Reilly Factor that he bailed out one of Al Sharpton's charities several years ago with a $25,000 donation, after Sharpton told him it was out of money and could not provide Christmas food and presents to hundreds of poor people in Harlem.

Sharpton has often used his MSNBC program PoliticsNation to harshly criticize O'Reilly, lately for supposed attacks on the poor. Tuesday night, he accused the highly-rated host of calling food stamps users "parasites," when in fact O'Reilly was referring to an individual surfer who is on the SNAP program in spite of being able-bodied.

O'Reilly called out Sharpton for taking his remarks out of context and then, having had enough of the MSNBC host's partisan attacks, revealed he came through for the poor when Sharpton's group couldn't:

O'REILLY: The guy does this all the time. And here's the crusher on Sharpton. He has been portraying me as a racist and a brutalizer of the poor. A few years ago, Sharpton told me that his charity in Harlem, New York, was out of money, and that it could not provide Christmas presents and Christmas dinners to hundreds of poor people in Harlem. So I gave Sharpton a $25,000 donation to provide the gifts and the food. I never mentioned it, because it wasn't necessary to mention it. But now it is, to prove exactly what kind of person Al Sharpton is.