Twitter Restricts State-Sponsored Media Ads

Policy updated in response to Chinese disinformation campaign

August 19, 2019

Omar: Withhold Israel Aid Unless They Give Full Rights to Palestinians

Minnesota rep says Israel’s actions not ‘consistent with being an ally’ or ‘a democracy’

August 19, 2019

Peters (D): Dems Should Be Party of 'the Heartland'

Majority of campaign fundraising comes from coastal states

August 19, 2019

Liberal CNN Panelist Blows Up When Confronted Over Palestinian Terrorism

Beinart: 'Palestinians don't have to be saints' to deserve rights

August 19, 2019

Tlaib, Omar Fundraise on Back of Canceled Israel Trip

Tlaib levels inaccurate, anti-Semitic smears in pitch

August 19, 2019

Bernie Plans Jailbreak

Sanders releases criminal justice plan to put pressure on cops, mass-release prisoners

August 19, 2019

Warren Campaign Scrubs Native American DNA Test Video From Website

Warren’s DNA test revealed she could be anywhere from 1/64th to 1/1024th Native American

August 19, 2019