Todd: Clinton Couldn't Promise More Stories About Her Email Wouldn't Come Out

September 28, 2015

Meet The Press host Chuck Todd said Monday that one thing he learned from his interview with Hillary Clinton is that she cannot promise more information will not come out about her private emails.

Todd asked Clinton if she could say with certainty that the FBI wouldn't find anything of interest in her deleted emails, and she could only reply that her attorneys had conducted that process.

"She is not willing to say there's no more stuff that's going to come out," Todd said on Morning Joe. "I thought that she wanted to make it clear yesterday, 'Hey, more stuff can come out.' There could be more revelations, or there could be more charges, and she said some of them could come from the Republicans. I think she was trying to politicize it a little bit."

Todd did praise her for not seeming "annoyed" with his focus on her emails during the interview after she struck a more defensive or joking tone in earlier discussions on the subject.

However, Morning Joe co-host Willie Geist asked Todd about something many observers saw yesterday: a series of tweets from pro-Clinton people with identical wording about how it was time to move on from the email controversy.

"I saw that!" Todd said, smiling. "That was a little ham-handed, especially when it's exactly the same ... It's like somebody cut-and-paste."