Trump Again Calls for Death Penalty for New York Terror Suspect, Says He 'Would Love to Send' Him to Gitmo

Donald Trump
Getty Images
November 2, 2017

President Donald Trump again called for the suspect in the New York City terrorist attack this week to receive the death penalty on Thursday, adding he would like to send him to Guantanamo Bay but that process would likely be too slow.

"Would love to send the NYC terrorist to Guantanamo but statistically that process takes much longer than going through the federal system," he tweeted.

"There is also something appropriate about keeping him in the home of the horrible crime he committed. Should move fast. DEATH PENALTY!" he added in a subsequent tweet.

The 29-year-old suspect, Sayfullo Saipov, has reportedly told authorities he was inspired by the Islamic State terrorist group to carry out the rampage. He is charged with driving a rented truck down the bicycle path of West Side Highway on Tuesday and killing eight people.

He expressed no remorse, according to the criminal complaint, saying he felt "good" about what he had done and even requesting to hang the ISIS flag in his hospital room. He is recovering from being shot by police before being apprehended.

Trump also tweeted late Wednesday night that Saipov should get the death penalty, leading to criticism he may make getting capital punishment harder because his public remark made it more difficult for the suspect to get a fair trial.

The White House said Wednesday it considered Saipov to be an "enemy combatant," and Trump stated he would consider sending him to the detention camp at Guantanamo. His tweet on Wednesday appeared to show he had reversed course.

Saipov, an Uzbek national, was admitted to the country through the diversity lottery program in 2010, and Trump has said he intends to terminate the program.