Let's All Celebrate the Vermont Teddy Bear Company Models

February 14, 2014

There’s no easier holiday to plan for than Valentine’s Day. The key to a happy and healthy V-Day is to merely do something couple-like for your paramour, be it a meal at a decent restaurant or flowers delivered to her place of employ. There’s none of the awkwardness of the holiday season, when you need to be just sober enough to put up with your significant other's awkward family. Valentine’s Day is mano-a-mano. Like the Burr-Hamilton Duel. And we all know that turned out.

Valentine’s Day is also clutch because it’s impossible to forget, thanks to the month-long advertising campaign by Hallmark and Hershey. The companies collude with one another to make their annual sales target within the first six weeks of the year. But for those of us who choose not to lavish our luva with candies, thanks to the Vermont Teddy Bear Company, we have the option to gift them a sentient teddy bear.
Bear Height

We all know why Vermont Teddy Bears are winners. At 4 1/2 feet tall, the VT Teddy is a better snuggler than you, and makes no demands.
Bear Snug

But perhaps Vermont Teddy Bear's best advertising strategy isn't its extremely sexualized and enjoyable to watch ads. It's the roster of ladies the company uses to sell replacement boyfriends.
Bear Size

Vermont Teddy Bear came up with a dynamite marketing strategy by mixing cheeky television ads with the cream of the Model crop.
Bear Bed

If stuffed toys aren't your lover's cup of tea, Vermont Teddy Bears also has a best-selling brand of PajamaGrams. Because nothing says intimacy than candy heart pajamas.
Pajama Twirl

The same goes for VT Teddy's brand of footie PJs.
Footie PJS

Let's get to know these models a little more closely. Summer Seay has modeled from everything from vodka to Medieval Times, but she was never warmer than in her suit saddling up next to her Vermont Teddy. Note the tattoo.

Summer Seay Facebook
Summer Seay Facebook

Diana Covington was featured in the 2012 PajamaGram commercial, where she looked more comfortable in a leopard onesie than this nightie below.

Diana Covington Facebook
Diana Covington Facebook

Hershey's chocolates' monopoly on Valentine's Day is over.

Published under: Smokes