The Sad Saga of Chris Christie and Mr. Trump

March 8, 2016

Chris Christie's endorsement of Donald Trump brought forth several sad spectacles for the New Jersey governor over the past two weeks, and they're captured here in a new SuperCut.

There was Christie, who prides himself on a tough-guy, no-nonsense image, obsequiously calling his supposed friend "Mr. Trump" and "sir."

The Free Beacon's Sonny Bunch compared Christie to Reek, "the tortured and emasculated one-time royal who is among the most pathetic creatures to hit your screen during Game of Thrones."

There was Christie introducing Trump at a Texas rally on Feb. 26 and asking the crowd if the Lone Star State was going to be "Trump Country." Ted Cruz won that primary four days later.

There was Christie getting abruptly sent back to the plane Feb. 27 after introducing Trump at a rally in Tennessee. "Get in the plane and go home," Trump said. "It's over there. Go home."

"You got it," Christie said.

There was Christie on ABC's This Week on Feb. 28, where he was torn apart by George Stephanopoulos over the positions Trump holds that are supposedly anathema to Christie. He had to sit and listen as Stephanopoulos read out a statement from Meg Whitman, Christie's national finance co-chair, accusing him of an "astonishing display of political opportunism."

There was Christie becoming his own meme on March 1, also known as Super Tuesday, when he stood awkwardly behind Trump for the entirety of his press conference and looked mortified to be there. After all, Christie once referred to Trump as someone who "sits in his jammies" and calls into TV shows from Trump Tower.

As the Washington Post's Alexandra Petri wrote, "His were the eyes of a man who has gazed into the abyss, and the abyss gazed back, and then he endorsed the abyss."

There were jokes that Christie was being held hostage, with Saturday Night Live portraying him as a whipped fraternity brother.

"I even got this fat piece of crap behind me now," Darrell Hammond's Trump says at his Super Tuesday press conference. "Isn't that right, Chris?"

"Yes sir, thank you sir, please sir, may I have another?" Bobby Moynihan's Christie meekly replies.

There was Christie having to quell that controversy, uttering the words, "I wasn't being held hostage" at a press conference in New Jersey later that week.

"No, I wasn't sitting up there thinking, 'Oh my God, what have I done?" Christie said.

Christie previously said of Trump, "I don't think he's suited to be President of the United States." He attacked Trump for ignoring social security reform, a key portion of Christie's candidacy. He mocked him for suggesting that Mexico would pay for the wall Trump goes on about at every campaign rally.

And then, after dropping out due to embarrassing finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, Christie endorsed Trump.

The man who was viewed as a potential GOP savior after his resounding reelection in 2013 exited the 2016 race with two single-digit showings before putting himself back in the spotlight.

As Mark Leibovich wrote, this made sense, given Christie's history of being a "fanboy" who swoons over Bono and Bruce Springsteen and Jerry Jones.

Inadvertently, Christie himself described the situation best at the press conference announcing his endorsement.

"The fact is that desperate people do desperate things," he said. "And I've seen it throughout politics and so have you."