Republican Ohio Sheriff, Elector Sets Anti-Trump Letters on Fire

Sheriff Richard Jones of Butler County, Ohio / Twitter
December 21, 2016

Sheriff Richard Jones of Butler County, Ohio, a Republican elector for the 2016 presidential election, posted videos of himself Monday on Twitter burning a pile of letters he received from fellow Americans asking him to vote for someone other than Donald Trump.

Jones cast his ballot for Trump and Mike Pence during the nationwide Electoral College vote on Monday, but before the voting took place, the sheriff received piles of letters–he claims thousands–in the mail asking him to support someone other than Trump, Law Newz reported.

In three videos on Twitter, Jones gathered the letters and set them ablaze in a fire pit in his backyard while he and his wife Becky enjoyed the show.

Jones first doused the fire pit with what he called "elephant pee" before cautiously warning his followers on Twitter not to "try this at home."

In another video, Jones explained, "We've got our Trump sign here and our cows over here; they are supporting Trump also." He then panned the camera from the fire pit to his farm land.

"We're going to be burning letters all night," Jones said. "It's over. We've got a new president. Thanks America."

Needless to say, the letters were soon illegible.

Trump received all 18 of Ohio's electoral votes and easily won the Electoral College, making him officially the president-elect.