Why is Fortnite Taking Over the World?

Feature: I played the game all the kids are playing

June 9, 2018
A group of Yazidis from Iraq carrying their arrive at a makeshift camp at the Greek-Macedonian border

Pence Demands USAID Break Through Bureaucratic Gridlock to Help Iraqi Christians, Yazidis

VP incensed over agency decisions to deny funds and ‘will not tolerate bureaucratic delays’

June 9, 2018

Menendez Snubs Overtures by Dem Opponent for Unity After Divisive Primary

Opponent's progressive, anti-corruption message garnered the support of nearly 40 percent of the Democratic electorate

June 9, 2018

Iran Admits To Facilitating 9/11 Terror Attacks

Top Iranian official admits for first time Iran aided al Qaeda terrorists

June 8, 2018

Fox News Hosts, Washington Post Pay Tribute to Krauthammer: 'You Are a Great Man'

Pence: He 'made an indelible mark on the minds of millions of Americans'

June 8, 2018

San Francisco Resistance Group Hosting Phone Bank for Claire McCaskill

California resistors reward McCaskill for no vote on Gina Haspel for CIA

June 8, 2018