A Case for UBI: Combating the Robot Workforce

Review: 'Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World' by Annie Lowrey

July 29, 2018

ATF Gun Traces Up More Than 10 Percent

ATF traced more than 400,000 firearms in 2017

July 29, 2018

Union Demands Ousted Former President Pull Ad Supporting Right to Work

Retired police sergeant filmed ad highlighting his former union position

July 29, 2018

Sacred Politics

Review: 'Secularism' by Andrew Copson

July 28, 2018

George Soros Spent $10.37 Million Lobbying During Second Quarter

Billionaire's lobbying efforts, a personal high, jumped by nearly $8 million from first quarter

July 28, 2018
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping

China, Russia, Iran Engaged in Aggressive Economic Cyber Spying

Counterintelligence report details foreign spies theft of advanced U.S. technology

July 27, 2018

Dem Candidate in Michigan Touts ‘Chief of Staff’ Job in Obama Auto Task Force

Haley Stevens’ position at the Treasury Department was designated ‘mid-level’

July 27, 2018